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Updating your listing on Apple Maps is important because it helps ensure that the information about your business that appears on Apple Maps is accurate and up-to-date. Also, it’s 100% free advertising for your business!

6 Simple Steps to Optimize Your Apple Maps Listing

Updating your listing on Apple Maps is important because it helps ensure that the information about your business that appears on Apple Maps is accurate and up-to-date. Also, it’s 100% free advertising for your business! Claiming your business on Apple Maps can also be beneficial for the following 4 reasons:

  1. Improve local search visibility: By listing your business on Apple Maps, you can make it easier for customers to find you when they search for businesses in your area on their Apple devices.
  2. Enhance customer experience: Apple Maps provides detailed information about businesses, including hours of operation, phone numbers, and websites. By listing your business on Apple Maps, you can ensure that customers have accurate information about your business and can easily contact you.
  3. Increase foot traffic: Apple Maps users often rely on the app to find businesses and get directions, so listing your business on the platform can help attract more customers to your physical location.
  4. Boost online reputation: Apple Maps allows users to leave reviews and ratings for businesses, which can help improve your online reputation. By regularly monitoring and responding to reviews, you can show customers that you care about their experience and are willing to address any issues that may arise.

How to list your business on Apple Maps:

  1. Visit the Apple Maps Connect website (https://mapsconnect.apple.com/) and sign in with your Apple ID.
  2. Click on the "Add a Place" button and enter your business name and location.
  3. Select the category that best describes your business.
  4. Enter your business hours, phone number, and website.
  5. Add photos of your business, including the exterior, interior, and any products or services you offer.
  6. Review and submit your listing.


Overall, the key to boosting your business is to be consistent and strategic in your efforts. By following these tips and finding what works best for your business, you can effectively promote your business and even attract new customers for free. With these tricks, you’ll be sure to get even more customers! As always, we love to hear about the success local businesses are having so be sure to email us at support@getlovage.com to be featured in a Lovage success story on social media or tag us in your social posts.

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